SMG - Signature Marketing Group
SMG stands for Signature Marketing Group
Here you will find, what does SMG stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Signature Marketing Group? Signature Marketing Group can be abbreviated as SMG What does SMG stand for? SMG stands for Signature Marketing Group. What does Signature Marketing Group mean?The United States based company is located in Pine Brook, New Jersey engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of SMG
- Scotts Company (Scotts Manufacturing Group)
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Sub Machine Gun
- Sequential Manual Gearbox
- Stock Market Game
- Special Mobile Group
- Shanghai Media Group
- Sequential M Gearbox
View 246 other definitions of SMG on the main acronym page
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- SLI Starship Logistics Inc.
- SOS Strategic Outsourcing Solutions
- SWS Siri Web Solutions
- SGP Spark Growth Partners
- SF The Scan Foundation
- SCC Sequoyah Country Club
- SIH Sleep Inn Hotel
- SLFS SL Financial Services
- SSSL Sensation Software Solutions Ltd.
- SL The Specialists Ltd.
- SBWIB South Bay Workforce Investment Board
- SPPL Splash Productions Pte Ltd